One World Academy is an organization that has come into existence with the purpose to nurture conflict-free individuals who live in awareness and freedom. OWA makes this transformation possible through its programs. These programs help people create new beginnings through principles, practices and processes that are practical and applicable in daily life. They facilitate a process of self inquiry that allows one to decide and act from a place of intelligence and clarity of perception.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A New Beginning

One World Academy introduces - A New Beginning - a revolutionary 2 day course that will help people breakdown their conditioning and breakthrough their limitations by creating a shift in perceptions,emotion and consciousness. Let awareness guide you to create A New Beginning.

Comments from Sudha Anantharaman . . .

I attended a New Beginnings course early this spring in Belgium. I had no clue what to expect and if at all I had any expectations, it was one of not really finding anything new. To say I was pleasantly surprised is probably an understatement. And though I was tempted to write on this blog straightaway I held off for a while to see if the initial rush of adrenalin which I felt 'rediscovering' myself (being able to see past my actions and reason with my inner conflicts) would wear off. Well, to be quite honest, it hasn't.

Becoming aware of oneself and one's actions and being able to view oneself almost as an outsider and therefore be in a position to question, review and change one's reactions in a positive way is perhaps what the New Beginnings course teaches you.

It is indeed a 'spring cleaning' of the mind. A kind of detox which gives one a healthier mind. In this day where everything is geared towards external appearances the mind is oft forgotten. New Beginnings brings exactly that into focus and I think I've benefited immensely from the very simple ways of how to tap into the inner reserve that we all seem to possess, to make life happy and fulfilling.